Project general presentation & objectives

The project aims at supporting VET systems in the development (design, testing &release of transferable OERs) of innovative Incidental Learning programs thanks to Beacon BLE technology. According to the WBL approach, the learning environment will be the work context, i.e. an area of activity with processes, technologies, products & organizational methods, which can be simulated (e.g. laboratories in VET schools), or real workplaces (companies). The training programs envisage that the students, inside a workplace specifically equipped with Beacon BLE facilities, face the solution of critical incidents, suitably prepared, occurring to them unexpectedly. Incidental Learning requires students to tackle problematic situations demanding the activation of critical thinking skills to find a solution. The project envisages the experimentation of innovative training programs based on Incidental Learning in VET supported by the BEACON BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology, deemed as “technology in use” able to combine digital technologies & work-based learning methodology as didactic tools for training and learning, aimed at achieving the following objectives: 1)promoting WBL in VET through the implementation of situated learning environments simulating the actual workplace of industrial sectors relevant for the national economy of each country involved 2) developing in EQF3-EQF4 secondary VET learners (digital natives), crucial skills in high demand by the current labour market, characterized by Digital Transformation and by recruitment policies looking for both digital and transversal skills, which relate to higher order skills in the digital age (research, analysis and interpretation of information) and to skills enhancing the entry into the job market (teamwork, communication, problem solving) – as the need for transversal skills, critical 6 / 157 Call 2021 Round 1 KA2 KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training Form ID KA220-VET-E6519097 Deadline (Brussels Time) 20 May 2021 12:00:00 EN thinking & creative problem solving is also highlighted by the 2020 EU Skills Agenda, 2.5 “Skills to accompany the green & digital transitions in jobs”. 3) enabling the VET sector to align itself to the Green Driver of Innovation, supporting EU business & manufacturing companies in their transition towards carbon neutrality by 2050, through low-energy & emission-free production models & circular economy, thanks to workplace Beacon-based simulation of sustainable production models – as promoted by the 2020 EU Green Deal, setting sustainability goals for all manufacturing sectors, with particular stress onto the energy-intensive ones (textile, electronics, building, mechanics & plastics), in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of UN Agenda 2030.

BEACON Project no 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000034746

Be A COmpetence Now. Beacons for Incidental Learning

What is a Beacon?

Average Price 20 EUR each single HW device

How do Beacons Work?